General message for this week :
Hexagram 37 gives the wisdom of the importance of communication when dealing with the family unit and other team-based groups. Effective communication is necessary for a good relationship with the people around you. Clear communication with mutual respect & kindness is the only effective form of speaking. If that is missing, then progress cannot continue until you solve the conflict. Take the time to help those who might be lost or confused on their path within the group to maintain consistency.
RAT –1924, 1936, 1948, 1960,1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rat
Personality Traits – Quick-witted, Intelligent, Resourceful, Charming, Clever, Assertive, Greedy.
Your Chinese weekly horoscope indicates you should focus on the positives this week and face the negatives with confidence. Exploit your Yang energy! Take up a personal fitness challenge. Limits and boundaries right now will help you focus your energy in the direction most beneficial to you. There are chances of meeting someone important. Your life is as meaningful as your ability to reach out. Treat yourself well, give yourself importance. It is time to feel instead of think, listen to your feelings. You will have some free time, use it for meditation to bring mental peace. As you shift this energy, you can tap into the abundance of the universe.
OX – 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Montage of the Chinese year of the Ox
Personality Traits – Diligence, Dependability, Strength and Determination.
Rewarding Week!!
Communication is the key!!You may advance by pushing yourself through limitations you have been carrying with you for the last few months. You may be tackling big projects by breaking them down into individual steps. This methodical and consistent action can bring progress and recognition from those around you. If you are looking to date, this is an excellent time to reach out to ask someone to coffee, Zoom coffee!! Keep an eye on your outgoing money so that you do not overspend. At the same time, you could receive a small windfall in the form of a cash payment from someone who owes you.
TIGER – 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Montage of the Chinese year of the Tiger
Personality Traits – Ambitious, Courageous, Loving, Unpredictable
Slow down & take care of yourself. This week you have a clear goal in mind, but there will be obstacles, especially when you try to convince others. This is not a time for a head-on head fight. Instead, move with stealth like a jungle cat, focusing on objectives without calling a lot of attention to yourself as you work behind the scenes. If you have had a hard time thinking clearly and making any important decision that will get much better by the end of this week. You will get clarity. You create your own reality. Live in the moment. Listen to your intuition. Try to see things differently, without judgement this week. Train and discipline your brain to think positive and therefore act positive.
Focus on happiness, love and wisdom.
RABBIT – 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rabbit
Personality Traits – Compassion, Peace, Security, Insincere
Do not try to control things. It is time to let go. Release when something is no longer useful to you, let go when it doesn’t serve you, be it clothing, tasks, or even a relationship. You may explore a creative streak in yourself. This is a good time to do art projects, write music, or post your thoughts. This week is a special week for you. Feel the connectedness with your surrounding and take advantage of that awareness. Trust your instinct and act on it. Be careful how you spend your energy this week. If you waste your energy on things that do not matter to you, negative emotions will arise. Life is a delicate balance of positivity and negativity. Focus on the positive to enjoy a happy week
DRAGON – 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dragon
Personality Traits – Energetic, Intelligent, Charismatic, Dominant
You may find yourself in an entirely new situation, which can be quite a novelty. The challenge will be to recognize when you need a teacher and to listen to the advice you are given. This is a good week to do meditation, affirmations or pen your thoughts for clarity. If you have been looking for a new job, you could be doing interviews over the next two weeks. Other Dragons who are not job hunting, may find an opening in your current company that will be quite tempting. Time for new opportunities. Break your old habits to progress in life. Express your feelings to people who are important to you. Happiness does not depend on external conditions. It is governed by our mental attitude. If you understand this, in the coming few weeks, you will be extremely happy.
SNAKE – 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013,

Montage of the Chinese year of the Snake
Personality Traits – Generous, Analytical, Smart, Jealous
It is important to embrace a practical approach. While it is fun to begin things and it feels very satisfying to finish things, crossing them off your list, most activities fall in the category of ‘process’. This week examine what you do on a regular basis and decide if you enjoy the process. If not, it is time to delegate or eliminate some tasks from your list. You will receive recognition and appreciation at work or in projects that you are handling. You could also get a difficult deadline for or your project. If you are in a relationship you may concretize the relationship or take it to the next level. If you are looking for a relationship you may find one.
Trust your instincts and act on it. Discipline is very important, work on your laziness. Be careful how you spend your energy this month. If you waste your energy on things that do not matter to you, negative emotions will arise. Remember that the best and most beautiful things in the world can often not be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart.
HORSE – 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014,

Montage of the Chinese year of the Horse
Personality Traits – Energetic, Hardworking, Intimate, Impatient
You are a leader, but this month, you may allow others to lead, so you can observe them. Trust yourself and follow your own plan. This is not a time for big action, but instead, a time to wait and watch. A good time for partnerships. Your imagination might run wild this week. Ensure you enjoy this process and be careful that you do not lose sight of reality at the same time. Listen to your inner voice as this is your essence. Trust your intuition.
This week is the time to be part of the solution instead of the problem. You have opportunities for making more money by thinking creatively and looking for solutions where others see problems. This week you may see things differently, and because of this, you could make unconventional decisions that will work in your favour or be profitable to you.
GOAT – 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Montage of the Chinese year of the Sheep
Personality Traits – Creative, Gentle, Passionate, Insecure
This week will bring luck and opportunity in relationships and love. If you had problems to connect with people you will be able to connect this week. This is a great time for putting your best foot forward by doing presentations, submitting proposals, or completing applications. People may look to you for direction.
Good week financially!! You gain liquidity as money flows in. To increase the chance that something you want becomes a reality write it down and share it with people that can positively influence the outcome. Respect that everyone is different. Focus on what you have in common on a higher spiritual level. Focus on happiness, love, and wisdom.
MONKEY – 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Montage of the Chinese year of the Monkey
Personality Traits – Entertaining, Energetic, Good Listeners, Opportunistic
This week begins a new cycle for you where you can now move forward. Delays of the past few weeks disappear, and you can feel the forward movement happening. New opportunities will come your way. Indulge in meditation, affirmations, visualization, or creating a goal board. Try to schedule a few days off for yourself to clear the energy and start fresh. You could consider doing a space clearing in your home using sage or salt, but most importantly, take care of yourself.
This week you could be of service to others. Share your good fortune with others and feel how great sharing is. Connect with them on a deeper level. If you are seeking for answers, ensure you are honest to yourself. Be aware of where you are right now and where you want to be in the future.
ROOSTER – 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rooster
Personality Traits – Practical, Honest, Straightforward, Reckless
What are you holding onto? This week brings a major moment of healing and release and the possible reveal of information you did not expect to hear. This week it would be good to set your natural management abilities aside and become a follower and stay quiet in situations where you would usually speak up. It will bring opportunities to expand your circle of friends. You may invest in some electronics or gadgets that will help you with your productivity.
If you are looking for a new position or job, there will be openings coming up. Avoid arguments and confrontation and needless fault finding in others. You cannot change people or their nature, you can change yourself by accepting them the way they are. So, help yourself by accepting the situation and look at it from a positive side. Avoid indulging in unhealthy food habits. Practice self-discipline. Some exercise daily is a must
DOG – 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dog
Personality Traits – Loyal, Good Listener, Honest, Distrustful.
There could be an obstacle in your path, or that it is time to take a different route to get what you want. This could involve a relationship with your boss or an interpersonal love connection. Be spontaneous and willing to change. You will find helpful people who bring you resources to facilitate your goals. You could be given a new project, or there may be an opportunity to move up in your team or department or there are possibilities of a new job offer.
Love is in the air!! Ensure you give it attention, by having a good conversation, expressing your feelings or show your appreciation & affection. Take some time for yourself to reflect on your success. Make this a regular practice for success to become a habit.
PIG – 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019,

Montage of the Chinese year of the Pig
Personality Traits – Gracious, Determination, Perfectionist, Impulsive
This week brings a challenging beginning. Others can help, but most of this is on you. It will take concentration and focus. It is time to stand up for yourself, pamper yourself. Taking care of yourself is important to serve others. Do not spend your energy on people that say this is a selfish action. If you feel that something is holding you back, work on that feeling. GIVE YOURSELF IMPORTANCE!! New home or renovations or purchasing new appliances or gadgets is on the cards. You will connect with helpful people.