Cosmic Message For The Week : One of the most important weeks of the year has arrived. Buckle up as we enter a new Era, ‘The Age Of Aquarius’. This week’s vibration will encourage people to socialize. Next couple of weeks may not be easy. Things may look like they are a lot out of control. USA will go through some crisis and chaos. A lot of secrets will be uncovered. A lot of things will happen that are beyond our thought and will be surprising to us.
Truth concerning Communications, Politics and Media will come out in the open.
Globally there could be major changes where Media, Communication, Politics and Education is concerned. We could experience some extreme weather conditions in the coming few weeks.
Emotionally there could be a sinking feeling as things may not be in our control.
We may feel 2020 is/was an ‘Utter Chaos’ but actually it’s been a ‘Divine Awakener’, a cosmic wake-up call for both individuals and the globe (collective as a whole). It has given us an Opportunity to Change our Course.
There are tremendous shifts taking place in the subtle vibratory frequencies of the Earth that are affecting us all at the DNA level. We are being transformed little by little every second starting from our own subtle energy fields. Trust the unfolding. Our higher consciousness is upgrading. The cosmic vibrations are working in ways to create a collective human consciousness that works for all people and our planet. It provides conditions for life to thrive. Consciousness is rising. Consciousness has provided within us and around us the resources we need to become the ‘Love’ we were created to be. As we clear the wounds of our individual and collective past, we cannot help but join Consciousness rising.
Human Software Is Being Upgraded.
RAT -people born in the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960,1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Personality Traits – Quick-witted, Intelligent, Resourceful, Charming, Clever, Assertive, Greedy

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rat
You may get disturbed and disappointed with the behavior of some near n dear ones. This will take a while to heal and for you to regain your trust. If you are borrowing money. Be careful to the terms you agree to, especially if this happens to be a business between friends or family. Be connected with nature, take care of plants or plant some saplings, if possible, enjoy wetting your feet in flowing river water or at a beach. Indulge in creative activities that you like.
At work if you focus only on details you might miss the bigger picture. You have made some good decisions recently that will go in your favor. Take care of health, especially your joints. Control your emotions, forgive, forget and move on.
OX – people born in the years 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Personality Traits – Diligence, Dependability, Strength and Determination.

Montage of the Chinese year of the Ox
Don’t react to anything or get judgmental. You may be investing too much time and energy in a particular collaboration that may not take off immediately, a little patience and trust in people will do you good. You may get distracted and allow people to distract you from things that are important to you although, you could maintain a good degree of attention you may not function at your best capacity. Observe what is happening around you, make sure that you are in control of things and don’t be in a rush. Expect some financial gains this week. You could connect to some important people this week and plan get-togethers. Resist any impulsive urges.
TIGER – people born in the years 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Personality Traits – Ambitious, Courageous, Loving, Unpredictable

Montage of the Chinese year of the Tiger
Don’t be in a rush and plan your week. Take care not to miss or overlook minute details as this could create delays. You may feel the need for some time alone to put your thoughts in order. You will approach situations with awareness which will help you to handle them better. Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Accept change and be open to new ideas. Listen to your gut intuition. Follow your positive intention with confidence and trust your abilities. You may be interested in learning something or taking up a course. Take care of health issues, especially the stomach area.
RABBIT – people born in the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Personality Traits – Compassion, Peace, Security, Insincere

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rabbit
You could be emotional and impatient this week.
Tap into your creativity, write your goals and discuss it with your loved ones. A lot of people will offer their advice. You will give yourself direction. Trust your instincts, trust yourself and follow your plans. Don’t be in a rush, move at your own speed. You may involve yourself in community activities.
Accept things as they are and don’t fight it. Discuss problems and issues with near and dear ones to solve them. Do not carry this baggage in the next week. Touch base with family and friends to enjoy some time with them. Engage in conversations, communicate openly and speak your mind .
DRAGON – people born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Personality Traits – Energetic, Intelligent, Charismatic, Dominant

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dragon
It will be a busy week for you. If you’re working on a project, think outside the box. You will need to be more analytical and logical in your approach. Your resourcefulness will be appreciated, you may get recognition or a reward. You will have no trouble keeping up with all of the opportunities around you. You will be quick in making decisions and taking actions. A friend or acquaintance may need your help this week. Take care not to overspend. Spend this week doing something the entire family will enjoy. Playing games, cooking food, anything to make them feel special.
SNAKE – people born in the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013,
Personality Traits – Generous, Analytical, Smart, Jealous

Montage of the Chinese year of the Snake
Your extraordinary attention to detail can lead you to success. Tap into your gut instincts to rise above the usual chaos and confusion. You will discover some new strategies at work. You will find support for your project and workload. You will take quick decisions and take up new opportunities that will help you in your career. You may establish some new contacts this week. Keep your eyes and ears open and don’t get impressed easily. You may receive some good news this week. Take good care of your health, if there are any recurring issues get it checked without delay. Connect with nature, meditate.
HORSE – people born in the years 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014,
Personality Traits – Energetic, Hardworking, Intimate, Impatient

Montage of the Chinese year of the Horse
This week will put you in an enthusiastic and energetic mood. You could be feeling more competitive than usual. Draw some attention to yourself and you will find the success you are looking for. Let go of things that have not served you in the last few months. It will be important for you to maintain work and life balance this week. If your family or friends need an organizer you will be the one making calls and getting the party started. If you are trying to convey some kind of criticism or give advice to family and friends choose your words so you are not misunderstood. Enjoy your hobbies this week and reinvigorate your inner child. Indulge in high intensity exercises.
Sheep – people born in the years 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Personality Traits – Creative, Gentle, Passionate, Insecure

Montage of the Chinese year of the Sheep
This is a good week for you. If you do not plan your week, you will be setting roadblocks for yourself. Take advantage of this time, it could get you more attention from your superiors and colleagues. You could get the chance to pitch your ideas to them. Some professional opportunities will come your way, don’t take too long to decide, as you could miss it. Trust yourself and trust others. Keep your promises, don’t get defensive, avoid laziness and focus on doing the right thing. Be determined to act cheerfully and happy no matter what the situation may be. Indulge in some creative activity. Spend time with family and pamper yourself. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you.
MONKEY – people born in the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Personality Traits – Entertaining, Energetic, Good Listeners, Opportunistic

Montage of the Chinese year of the Monkey
You will be willing to lend a helping hand to every person in need. You could join a charity or community service.
Don’t rush into things because the most important thing for you this week is rest and relax. Relationships are important too, don’t worry about career this week, indulge with family and friends. You will find meaningful connections with people around you and you will try and do your best to make them happy. This week could reset your thoughts to a certain extent. You will discover things about yourself understanding better what makes you tick. You could find a soulmate. Those already in a relationship will give a lot of importance to the partners.
ROOSTER – people born in the years 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Personality Traits – Practical, Honest, Straightforward, Reckless

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rooster
It could be all work no play this week. This week makes you extra motivated to reach your goals, so be sure to include your health goals on the list of priorities as well. Your alertness, decisiveness and spirit of competitiveness will be noticed this week. Results of hard work of previous months will start showing. You will have many opportunities to meet important people and expand your circle of friends. You will not miss any opportunities. You could also convert a hobby into an opportunity. If you’ve been wanting to do something nice for someone else, but you are not giving it time. Give it a start this week.
DOG – people born in the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Personality Traits – Loyal, Good Listener, Honest, Distrustful.

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dog
It will be work and fun this week.
You will approach any situation with certain awareness that will make you handle situations better. Unleash your creative potential. You will plan things and do it in every methodical manner.
You will feel emotionally stable, however you may feel a little insecure when it comes to certain things at work. You may want to do a lot of new things this week and will add an element of fun in everything you do. You will be responsible and conscientious in your work and relationships.
You will make plans to enjoy with family and friends. Don’t indulge in gossip,
PIG – people born in the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019,
Personality Traits – Gracious, Determined, Perfectionist, Impulsive

Montage of the Chinese year of the Pig
This week will be good because you will feel that energies of others are compatible with yours. You will be able to focus, analyze and remain in tune with the consciousness. Your sensitive, trustworthy nature can help you create a rapport and support of those around you. You will be great at finding solutions effortlessly. You could be the center of attention. You will shine at leadership. You may be asked to head an assignment or be a team leader. It will be important for you to know your priorities because you can move in any direction you like this week. You will want to use your precious time for activities that will be most beneficial and fulfilling.