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Deepa Anand

Artist Deepa Anand trained in art from SNDT Mumbai Women’s University. She started her career as a web designer, but after many years left the digital art medium to come back to her true calling of creating art by hand and work full time as a professional artist.

“What I love and live for is the complete unknown while creating art. Every new painting starts and ends in a way that is surprising even to me. It’s always wonderful to combine different materials, color types and mediums. I attempt to reach and push myself to create a unique spatial composition, unlikely color combinations, strokes and color flows that are visually stimulating. Another thing that I try to celebrate through my art is Nature.  Using contrasting colors, movement of brush strokes, layering of colours, dripping, pouring and splashing are all facets that are inspired by observing Nature. Painting gives me a deep inner peace and hopefully will evoke a similar sense of personal meaning to the viewer as well,” she says.

What’s your artistic background?

Ever since, I was a child I had a great affiliation with nature. I would try to capture nature, in some manner on paper. This is how I first bonded with art. My family always supported me especially my grandmother who was my first inspiration. My grandmother pursued art in a college of Jammu Kashmir just to chase her dreams at a time when women were not allowed an education. This encouraged me to pursue my dreams. I am currently working on acrylics and mixed media. One of the best things about mixed media is the infinite possibilities.

What’s integral to the work of an artist?

The work of the artist is to bring a little bit of their own self, their own vision, their passion and their emotions on to paper and canvas.


What role does the artist have in society?

Art plays an important role in influencing society by spreading messages in a subtle manner; repeat universal truths and art helps in portraying awareness towards global issues. Also, I believe that artists in a very simple way, create a sense of joy, peace and emotional connect with people.

What art do you most identify with?

Geometric shapes, textures and lines fascinate me. I love to bend it and blend it according to my preference. In fact I feel abstract art helps me express myself and my emotions more easily.

What themes do you pursue?

Nature is my ultimate inspiration. The colours, the curves, the layers and the textures of the environment fill my palette with its variety. It challenges me creatively to try and capture this on my canvas in every way. I am primarily an abstract and minimalistic artist and have also worked with mixed media.

What is your favourite art work?

Abstract modern masters like Ram Kumar, Kandinsky, Jason Pollak and also artists like Prabhakar Kolte have created such a substantial body of work. Many of these are favorites.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I worked as a graphics artist and a web designer for several years before I finally realized my passion for art and decided to pursue art as a professional painter. I have never regretted this decision.

Why art?

Art is my passion. I love my art and I breathe art. It’s yoga for me, a state where my physical and mental stress is cast away. I feel that I can express myself better through art than words.

What is an artistic outlook of life?

Art improves and balances the perspective of life. It may at times help convey the issue and its solution in a subtle but deeper manner than even just talking about it. Art is felt with all senses. This means our minds are more engaged when experiencing art.

What memorable responses have you had to your work?

My work gets appreciation from viewers and senior artists, but I was overwhelmed when my eight year old son tried to interpret my painting and said that, “I can really understand your painting”.

What food, drink, song inspires you?

Like my palette I like my plate too, to be colourful and varied especially with fruits and salads. Soft acoustic Hindi music also is a wonderful background for a creative mood.

What do you dislike about the art world?

Art is not acknowledged by enough people. Everybody has art and colors and patterns in their life. But they feel they are not aware of art.  Once more people see the value that it brings, it may support more artists and be a source of livelihood for more artists.

What do you dislike about your work?

I do not dislike my work at it is something that makes me proud, but I certainly dislike the amount of time I get to complete my work.  Between my mom and home duties…time is never enough for my passion.

What do you like about your work?

Sense of textures and the color combinations that are at once familiar with some images of natural worlds but still abstract. The use of white that brings some purity and relief.

Should art be funded?

There are numerous skilled artists in the world who are not as fortunate as others. More funds and open art events may help them showcase their talents.

What role do art fundings have?

They can become small ladder steps. Help sustain talented artists when they are starting off and not give up art for lack of money. Stay on the creative path and make a difference later.

Name the 3 artists you would like to compare?

Every artist has his own unique style, comparing them would really not be fair.  Art is not a sport.

Favorite or most inspirational place.

Exploring hills and mountains, nature’s own creation and to see jaw dropping height and broad expanse of greens  have always inspired me.  I try hard to capture that feeling in my art.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given.

Never give up….. Put in the work everyday. Paint with your heart also, and bring your authentic personality to your art.

Professionally what’s your goal.

To get wider recognition for art. To allow art to be a vehicle for me to see and experience this wonderful world.

Future plans?

Exhibit my art globally and learn from it’s many viewers.




  1. Saurabh Seth

    Beautiful abstract paintings with bright colors

    • Niharika

      Beautiful work….keep on pursuing your passion

  2. Rashmi Khanna

    Beautifully expressed. This shows in Ms. Deepa Anand’s work also. She has not only expressed her concern for artists but also give Art it’s Value. Her works are so vibrant. I wish her all the best for her Future Plans.

    • Pooja

      Lovely paintings and very subtle color choice and combination. A must have painting for every house.

  3. Prakash Ambegaonkar

    Beautiful Works with depth of sensitivity.. Loved them. Excellent and straightforward outlook on art. A pleasure to view and read.

  4. Vikas kalra

    Awesome paintings

  5. Jitesh mehta

    Really beautiful


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