Cosmic Message For The Week : There’s a tremendous amount of energy that will climax on the 28th Jan, we’ve got a very strong full moon coming up. Full moons bring things to completion. It will empower you to gain greater knowledge and greater skills so that you could take on the world and the challenges.
Focus on the heart energy, focus on caring & sharing from your heart to create the changes (individually & collectively) that we need in the world. Chances are that we’re going to see shortage of patience & tempers flaring. So, keep away from whatever enrages or irritates you, so you don’t regret your actions or your harsh words later. Don’t react impulsively, think and respond to situations. This will be a time to be in tune with the heart chakra / energy to see if you can slow down that heartbeat as this will just slow things (your thoughts) down. If you know that this energy is in the air then you should prepare yourself and ground yourself and center yourself to the best of your ability. This will ensure that you don’t get caught up in these spiraling energies.
The flip side of this energy is that it enables you to continue to breakthrough even if you’ve got a lot of obstacles that may be coming up in your way. It is a time of being persistent and not giving up. You just have to push a little bit more, to go beyond. So don’t give up on what is important to you, as this energy can give you a lot of stamina and a lot of power to achieve it.
Full moons will bring to light things that you’ve been avoiding & things you’ve been sweeping under the carpet. Pay more attention to finding a balance between your personal needs, pleasure self-expression and focusing on something which is greater than ourselves, focusing on purpose, future visions, dreams and goals. It is the time when a lot of people will see results from things they had initiated in the past. This could be a relationship or a new business venture or a something that you were working on.
Attract abundance, choose absolute and continuous abundance since there is no limit to the abundance in the universe. The bottom line is how each of us see it, want it and attract it!! Your mind is your biggest asset, use it to your advantage. Harness the power of your mind to create greater Life that you want. Manifest what you truly desire, so that you’re living an extraordinary life and increasing your abundance.
RAT -people born in the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960,1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Personality Traits – Quick-witted, Intelligent, Resourceful, Charming, Clever, Assertive, Greedy
You need to look deeper inside yourself if you want things to change for the better. Listen to the advice of a good friend and don’t allow negative thoughts to get the better of you. Be clear about what your expectations are from others. The more you avoid any issue, the bigger the mess you will find yourself in. This week may bring you interesting news which could result in a whole new change of career. Keep your options open by turning possible negatives to your own advantage. You may be tempted to spend on unnecessary things. Ask yourself if it’s really necessary. It is a good time to build relations with both your partner and family members. If your love life is suffering, pamper your loved ones, go for a weekend break, or just cooking a romantic meal for two will work wonders for your relationship. If single, a new love is about to take control of your life, in a good way.
OX – people born in the years 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Personality Traits – Diligence, Dependability, Strength and Determination

Montage of the Chinese year of the Ox
You have been very cautious than normal, which is wise, but if you don’t take chances, you risk losing what you have worked so hard for. Take this week as an opportunity to think long and hard about what it is that you really want. Don’t hesitate, reach out and grab it while you can. Don’t panic if your cashflow is running a little low this week. You have been under stress lately, a change in surroundings will do you good. Give yourself a well-deserved break & plan a short trip. The energies this week could facilitate good relationships. Invite family & friends for a meal or visit them. Love is in the air!! You will get opportunities to make your feelings known, so don’t waste it. Make more efforts if you want to win over the love of your life, don’t be afraid to be more romantic and daring.
TIGER – people born in the years 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Personality Traits – Ambitious, Courageous, Loving, Unpredictable

Montage of the Chinese year of the Tiger
Allow your thoughts to flow from out of the box. Pave the way for fresh ideas this week. Share your ideas with those around you since you have an abundance of talent and this is the week to show off your abilities. Make sure all jobs are completed this week. Don’t react to harsh criticism, just ignore it. Expect confrontations with members of the opposite sex, whether they are your partner, friend, or family members. You may want to help some near and dear ones financially, but take care not to over stretch and end up getting into debts yourself. This is not a good week to travel. Get rid of unnecessary clutter at work and home, throw away what you do not use any more. Indulge in do-it-yourself redecoration, to do you good. You should make some Me-Time this week. Meditate, the energies this week will empower your subconscious strength, relax and allow your spiritual well- being to grow naturally.
RABBIT – people born in the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Personality Traits – Compassion, Peace, Security, Insincere

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rabbit
Overall a good week. You will achieve your goals. Don’t feel guilty about things you have no control over, these feelings may be a little intense this week. Avoid arguments and harsh words. Be patient. Be yourself and be clear and strong about what you want. Only then you will find contentment in your love and family life. You will want to pamper and nurture them. You will make friends this week, which could lead to an everlasting relationship. If you are travelling take care of your belongings as there are chances of theft. Ill health of your spouse may bother you. Eat right as you may face some stomach related issues. You may over indulge in purchasing gadgets. You must focus on sorting priorities at work and home before you think about where else you can spend your money.
DRAGON – people born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Personality Traits – Energetic, Intelligent, Charismatic, Dominant

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dragon
This is a transformative week. Do not have expectations from others, you will only hurt yourself. This a good week financially. If your relationship has reached a stalemate then it could be time to move on. Some things in life are just not meant to be. What you are hoping for will happen all in good time especially if you put in the effort. Don’t worry if things are not going your way, there is still time to make a difference. Be open to new ideas and don’t push something away because it seems a little farfetched, as this could be the making of a new career move for you. This week it will be wise to put a hold on buying any luxuries. Think constructively about how you spend your time, if your life is not going anywhere then you may need to make some drastic changes.
SNAKE – people born in the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013,
Personality Traits – Generous, Analytical, Smart, Jealous

Montage of the Chinese year of the Snake
Things are getting better. You will do your best at work. Strategize yourself, try doing something different, you may discover you have a talent that you never realized you had. Energies this week will influence some major issues that have been on your mind. Money has not been the biggest worries of your life, but for a while it may have been worrying you. Don’t panic, you can and will find a way to overcome this obstacle in your life. Keep working hard and smart. Make sure you take care of minute details at work and tie up all loose ends. If single, you may find your soul mate. If you are in a relationship, it’s a wonderful time. You can expect feelings between you and your partner to deepen even more. Pursuing hobbies will be a big stress buster and will give you immense satisfaction and happiness. Take care of minor health issues.
HORSE – people born in the years 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014,
Personality Traits – Energetic, Hardworking, Intimate, Impatient

Montage of the Chinese year of the Horse
This could be an emotional week. Conserve your energies and use it productively to your advantage. A good positive week for growth, promotion or a new job or business. Analyze well before you take major decisions this week. This week’s energies will influence you to analyze, research and communicate on new topics that may interest you. At work don’t allow a colleague or an employer to push you into doing something that you are not ready for. Stay out of controversies and politics. Avoid speculation and gambling. Discuss your problem with a mentor or a close friend. Keep a close eye on your finances and take care not to overspend. Relax and enjoy with family and friends. Energies will encourage thoughtfulness and caring for the people around you. Express your true feelings to them. Don’t worry about what other people think of you.
Sheep – people born in the years 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Personality Traits – Creative, Gentle, Passionate, Insecure

Montage of the Chinese year of the Sheep
It’s time for you to take charge of various aspects of your life. You will need to strike a balance between work and home. You will get an opportunity to prove yourself at work, make sure you do not let that chance slip away. You will have everything going for you. It is time to forget your past mistakes and start to believe in yourself. It’s an ideal time to begin something new. Your will see a vast improvement in your financial situation, but now is not the time to sit back and relax. Work hard and make your money work for you. There are going to be some major changes heading your way. You will feel confident and you will be able to open up and discuss your thoughts with those close to you. Hold off any travel plans as of now. Let go of past and enjoy the company of good friends who do care about you. Start this week confidently by opening your heart and mind.
MONKEY – people born in the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Personality Traits – Entertaining, Energetic, Good Listeners, Opportunistic

Montage of the Chinese year of the Monkey
Communication is the key this week. You may feel rather frustrated with your colleagues. You will feel the need to get your point across in a forceful manner, but this may not be the best way to tackle the situation. You may not get the
well-deserved appreciation from your seniors or affect you. You will be creative with your approach at work and home. Avoid unnecessary expenditure. Take positive steps to improve communication with your partner. There will be difference of opinions, it will be easy for you to talk things through. Learn to listen without getting impulsive and try and speak without raising your voice. There could be small problems affecting family members, which need to be addressed, which if left under the carpet could grow to become major issues. You must take the lead and talk things out and discuss with them before some small issue turns into a fully blown family feud. Connect with your friends. You may meet someone who may change your life and your thought process totally.
ROOSTER – people born in the years 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Personality Traits – Practical, Honest, Straightforward, Reckless

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rooster
This week could be a turning point in your life. You will make a few decisions and speak your mind when the opportunity arises. You will want to address issues and express your views with your partner and colleagues so that the two of you can move on amicably. Don’t allow outside forces to control you. You should stand your ground and make sure you end the week in a stronger position. Do not make any major commitment financially. Be practical in making decisions. Don’t trust people easily. Don’t be fooled by someone’s over generosity as they will be expecting a lot back in return, decline politely. Read documents carefully before you sign anything this week. You could buy a vehicle. Take care of your health especially digestive issues.
DOG – people born in the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Personality Traits – Loyal, Good Listener, Honest, Distrustful.

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dog
You will feel on top of the world this week as everything you ever dreamt of is actually beginning to happen for you. However, try and keep both your feet firmly attached to the ground as there are various bits and pieces you need to sort out before your plans fit into place. This week’s energy will help you get inclined spiritually. If you are in any litigation, it will be in your favor. Be wise in making decisions and communicate wisely. Connect with old friends. Your powers of communication will be enhanced. It’s an ideal time for deep communication. Your loyalty and responsibility in the past will be well rewarded by a much deeper commitment from your loved one. Don’t be too bold with your cashflow and make sure you don’t over stretch yourself. A daily household routine could be weighing you down.
PIG – people born in the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019,
Personality Traits – Gracious, Determined, Perfectionist, Impulsive

Montage of the Chinese year of the Pig
It’s an emotional week as mood swings may be high. Be practical in making decisions and double check. You may be inclined towards art and creativity. There will be some new opportunities heading your way this week, although you may not realize this when they first present themselves. Plan your goals, organize yourself if you want to achieve what you want. Make sure all of your bills and debts are paid in the 1st week of the month. Beware of colleague’s back biting or stabbing you in your back or playing dirty politics. Do not react. Energies this week will aid your ambitions. Relations with members of the opposite sex will be in your favor. There could be some misunderstandings with near and dear ones. Do not get into any arguments, you may get harsh in talking. You will need to tame theses aggressive energies, join a gym or some sort of exercise or sport. Avoid travelling.