Cosmic Message For The Week : The first New Moon of 2021 is on the 13th of January, so if you’ve been procrastinating about something, this is the time to do it, this is the time to start something that you have been thinking for a long time. It’s a wonderful time to break through certain resistance that you are holding onto.
2021 is going to be a much quicker year.
There is a Big Cosmic Reset happening in all spheres of our lives, in all of our relationships in our belief systems. Its happening ‘NOW’ as we are reading it.
It will bring about interesting and positive changes globally, for the world. We are ‘NOW’ in the process of a wonderful opportunity to create a ‘New Earth’.
There is an energy of impatience, injustice and confusion in the coming few weeks. We’ve had a particular pattern or a structure by which we have lived our lives. 2020 was a wild card that has changed all of this. From now on, nothing will be the same, even the way we have lived our lives in so many years. Our approach towards life, work, relationships etc will have to change 360°. If we resist the change we will not be in a happy space. SO WE NEED TO GO WITH THE FLOW. Similarly the old systems in every sphere of life, be it politics, media, education etc is in the process of getting de-structured. It’s happening as you are reading it now. People who are resisting this will create riots, upheavals, uprisings and civil unrest. And we will see this happening in most parts of the world ( eg – the Washington incident in USA, the farmers protest in India). We need to control this anger, this rage, to control the amount of damage it can cause. We’ve got to be able to find ways to become more adaptable to these sudden changes.
Our old financial systems will breakdown and new systems will come into being. 2021 will reset the financial systems globally. This is where cryptocurrencies come in. As we entered the age of super digitization, cryptocurrencies will reign supreme. A lot of resistance will come in here too. But eventually cryptocurrency will be accepted all over the globe.
We will connect socially in new ways.
We are going to see extreme climatic changes too. We could experience floods, droughts, earthquakes, etc.
This week is full of extreme energies so what you saw happened in Washington USA last week, the coming weeks too, could trigger such extreme energies around the globe.
You may feel the anger and rage inside yourself, don’t suppress your feelings, release it, channelize it productively and stay calm with yoga, meditation, gyming, cycling, pranayam, indulging in any kind of sport or exercise.
Who knew a year half back that children will stop going to school and adapt to education / learning online.
Vast changes will come about in media, education system, written and spoken communication, travel, health systems, healing (there will be new kinds of healing energy)
RAT -people born in the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960,1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Personality Traits – Quick-witted, Intelligent, Resourceful, Charming, Clever, Assertive, Greedy
You will start your week with new energy and enthusiasm. If you were looking for change in job or new opportunities you could get it this week.
You may undergo a stressful week due to conflicts or misunderstandings at work and home. If relationships feel strained, talk problems through and sort out the family feuds. You will need to stay calm and refrain from getting agitated. Your competitiveness, courageous spirit and leadership qualities will help you win over your counterparts. There could be attractions this week. Take care of minor health issues. Indulge in meditation and yoga.
OX – people born in the years 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Personality Traits – Diligence, Dependability, Strength and Determination

Montage of the Chinese year of the Ox
Financially a good week. Avoid speculative activities. A transfer of some sort is on the cards. You may indulge in the deep research and higher learning. You may get very creative with thinking, with strategies at work and build some spiritual connections. Team members, seniors, friends or family members could mentor you in the right direction. Your creativity will be recognized and you could be given tougher and more interesting opportunities at work. Your religious outlook may see a shift in the coming months starting this week. A good time to invest in improving one of your skills for higher education.
TIGER – people born in the years 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Personality Traits – Ambitious, Courageous, Loving, Unpredictable

Montage of the Chinese year of the Tiger
If you are in a difficult situation don’t panic and don’t lose your temper, calmly address the matter. This week will give you favourable results regarding business and relationships. Business meetings or trips may be fruitful and results may be bigger than anticipated. You may receive happiness and good news from your loved ones. You will keep yourself busy fulfilling family responsibilities. You will be socially active during this week and plan outings. Strong romantic feelings from a member of the opposite sex will bring you excitement in your life.
You may suffer from problems related to cold cough indigestion and discomfort.
RABBIT – people born in the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Personality Traits – Compassion, Peace, Security, Insincere

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rabbit
A hard-working week, could bring you a career invitation. Avoid procrastination and
avoid making important financial decisions this week. You need to dedicate time to strengthen existing client relationship as this could prove very beneficial. It is also wise for you to reinforce relationships with all employees of your workplace as this can lead to new opportunities. Avoid speculations. Keep a watch on your spending.
A good time to find love or strengthen relationship with an existing partner and they should do all they can, to make it happen.
DRAGON – people born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Personality Traits – Energetic, Intelligent, Charismatic, Dominant

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dragon
This is an important week for working on your goals and ambitions. It is an excellent time to work on self esteem issues. You can be more confident about pursuing money or security and stability, though a bit prone to impulsive spending. . This week will bring a sense of renewal or revival. It’s time for new and realigned goals and different ways of doing business. This week is full of achievements and good for marriage, family life, new friendships and gains and new opportunities from influential people. Curb your spending habits that may be excessive and impulsive.
SNAKE – people born in the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013,
Personality Traits – Generous, Analytical, Smart, Jealous

Montage of the Chinese year of the Snake
This week will bring creativity, fun, entertainment and self expression to the forefront.
Significant week when you take decisions about the future. You will be more authoritative this week. Unexpected professional opportunities will come up. Your positive outlook would impress those around you.
You may have to deal with erratic behaviour of seniors. There could be opportunities to achieve your goals or improve your life through friends, family and your network. Any aches and pains regarding limbs should be taken care of on an urgent basis, so it doesn’t become a frequent health issue.
HORSE – people born in the years 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014,
Personality Traits – Energetic, Hardworking, Intimate, Impatient

Montage of the Chinese year of the Horse
This week will be peaceful and flexible. You will be able to achieve productive results. You will be able to achieve all your objectives, make the most of this time.
You will feel the need to improve your decisions and choices. You will be dynamic and creative in your approach. It’s an excellent time to look at your life from a different perspective. It is a good time to analyse your work and to streamline them or improve your skills and to sort out finances, particularly money shared or coming from other sources of income. Students will succeed in the exams. Curb your mood swings.
Sheep – people born in the years 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Personality Traits – Creative, Gentle, Passionate, Insecure

Montage of the Chinese year of the Sheep
You may find it hard to know what you want and how to go about getting it. Don’t walk away from unresolved matters with partners or associates. Some of the blockages that have been holding you back, should start to clear this week. Opportunities to make money will keep coming one after another.
New contacts that you have built lately could bring you brilliant opportunities for business or work. Your connections can steer you in the right direction career and skills-wise. This week energies will make things happen in your favour if you are a part of a project, play your cards right this could be big opportunity for you. Take some time to relax. Pace yourself, a little rest will do wonders.
MONKEY – people born in the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Personality Traits – Entertaining, Energetic, Good Listeners, Opportunistic

Montage of the Chinese year of the Monkey
There’s a confident energy to the week and very little will escape your attention. If teamwork is required, there is no better time for presenting new ideas. Timing is important. don’t force issues until all signals say go. Some things are worth the wait.
Invite friends over, relax and get your mind off your worries. Promote relationships with colleagues and brighten up the workplace. Finances will definitely improv. New ventures and projects are quite likely. There is a possibility that you would receive a suitable job opportunity too. Your creativity will win you appreciation and rewards. Your energy and wisdom will bring you good news.
ROOSTER – people born in the years 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Personality Traits – Practical, Honest, Straightforward, Reckless

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rooster
You will tend to do your work in a planned and organised manner and will take all decisions with proper evaluation. This can be a very resourceful time to work on new projects and for stepping up existing ones. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Work and business prospects are likely to improve this week. A sense of responsibility and ability to accept challenges, will put you into a leading position. Clear thinking with a bit of diplomacy will ensure that you emerge a clear winner.
Health of a family member may cause worry. Utmost care is advice on personal health.
DOG – people born in the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Personality Traits – Loyal, Good Listener, Honest, Distrustful.

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dog
This should be an enjoyable comfortable week. You will work towards meaningful and harmonious relationships in both social and romantic relationships. A great week to network and enhance your business opportunities through social contacts. Social or financial success may come through your marriage partner. Love life will improve. If single, you could enter a committed relationship. You will achieve success in competitive exams. Wear a helmet while riding and drive safely.
PIG – people born in the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019,
Personality Traits – Gracious, Determined, Perfectionist, Impulsive

Montage of the Chinese year of the Pig
Slow down and have a good look at work and working relationships. Try to focus on where you are going and what you doing. This could be a good time to change your job or give yourself a new direction entirely. Events taking place at work may stimulate ambition and gently push you to do your best. This week’s energy will help you discover your hidden talents as well as fascinating things about a partner. You will find it easy to achieve your goals and live up to others expectations. Income from other new sources is likely towards the middle of the week. Curb rich food indulge in physical exercises to maintain good health.