Weekly horoscope 30th November to 6th December
Message for the week :
The Lunar eclipse on 30th November will be the last of all Lunar eclipses of this year.
Eclipses are lights that help illuminate our paths toward the future.The message is to ‘Let Go’, (pent up emotions) something has to leave our life in order to make room for something new. The energy of this luminary is about shedding old beliefs, specifically ones that have prevented us from seeing things from a different perspective. A lunar eclipse represents a resetting of your emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous months.
Use this time to introspect and communicate clearly. Not only with others, but with yourself, too. What has held you back this year? What do you want to change? What do you know now that you didn’t know pre-pandemic? For example, maybe you used to be terrible about keeping in touch with friends or near and dear ones, but now you realize that those important connections are integral to your happiness. Pledge to go into this full moon eclipse and into 2021 with a new mindset about prioritizing these relationships.
We need to meditate to connect to that divine consciousness that will help us to create an incredible transformation.
RAT -people born in the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960,1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Personality Traits – Quick-witted, Intelligent, Resourceful, Charming, Clever, Assertive, Greedy.
Expect some good news on financial front. You could receive a long-awaited answer to a question or job application.
A few changes in the way you work may be important to maintain a calm and constructive state of mind. Don’t be judgemental and look at the positive side of any situation.
You may have to juggle home, social and work obligations. Focus on priorities and when in doubt trust your inner strength. Avoid procrastinating. Maintain a list of things to do, so that no important task is forgotten. Reward yourself when your list is complete. Family life will be great. Those who are single could find the right partner.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Trust Your Gut Feeling Or Your Inner Voice’
OX – people born in the years 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Personality Traits – Diligence, Dependability, Strength and Determination.

Montage of the Chinese year of the Ox
Some difficulties at work will clear up by itself. Your hard work and consistency will lead you to success. You have the ability to manage multiple projects and assignments at the same time but you need to be aware and mindful with your communication. Several adjustments may be needed that cause things to take longer than expected.
You will give more importance to home and socializing. Home environment will be peaceful and harmonious. It’s a week of laughter and joy.
It’s a good time to review your finances and plan on future Investments.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Be Aware And Mindful’.
TIGER – people born in the years 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Personality Traits – Ambitious, Courageous, Loving, Unpredictable

Montage of the Chinese year of the Tiger
This week begins with the magical energy. If you are looking for a new job or to move up in the company, capitalize on this energy. Reach out and connect to decision makers. You could be super intuitive, a natural nurturer and exude a healing energy. If you are an empath you can easily identify with and experience other people’s feelings. You must practice self awareness. Be around joyful, excited people that will energize you and make you feel good. Connect with nature, plant trees, water plants.
You may incorporate positive routines in your day to day life like exercising, reading books or meditating.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Connect With Nature And Meditate’
RABBIT – people born in the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Personality Traits – Compassion, Peace, Security, Insincere

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rabbit
Any darkness you feel, has consumed your life will soon dissipate. If you’ve had a hard time thinking clearly or making an important decision, that will get much better. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get productive. Your sense of responsibility and attention to detail will lead to appreciation and acknowledgement in your current assignments. Slow down and take care of yourself. Boost your immune system, indulge in some pampering and tie up loose ends. This is a great time to show love for others. Everything from your friendships, love life and family ties will see improvements, even if you have to be physically distant for a while longer.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Slow Down And Take Care Of Yourself’
DRAGON – people born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Personality Traits – Energetic, Intelligent, Charismatic, Dominant

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dragon
This is the week for making an effort to ensure nothing is left undone. Put your focus on relationships. You may receive some recognition at work. There are indications of a promotion or salary increase. It’s time to redefine your intentions and resolutions for the coming few months. This weeks energy will bring you outside recognition too for some creative work. You may bring some fresh energy to your home by redecorating or bringing in some new furniture. You will want to surround yourself with beautiful things. You could have some guests or visitors or someone could be moving out.
Take time out to meditate and connect with nature.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Work Towards Your Goals’
SNAKE – people born in the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013,
Personality Traits – Generous, Analytical, Smart, Jealous

Montage of the Chinese year of the Snake
This week may appear to be dramatic in a way, but look deeper and it has everything you need and that includes a lot more stability. It may get off to a good start, professionally with opportunities. What might seem to be challenges now may become opportunities in the coming few months. If you’re looking for a job or expecting some recognition it’s time to work hard this week. To avoid procrastination make a list and follow it sincerely.
A good week for money matters and following your passions.
You will be highly intuitive and can make strong spiritual connections.
That could be minor misunderstanding with near and dear ones. Avoid arguments on worthless topics.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Avoid Procrastinating’
HORSE – people born in the years 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014,
Personality Traits – Energetic, Hardworking, Intimate, Impatient

Montage of the Chinese year of the Horse
You are likely to remain busy trying to keep up with the hectic pace. Do not take too much work that may not be possible to complete in time. Your recent efforts will be rewarded and you could gain appreciation and respect to deserve as far as your social and career status is concerned.
Don’t make hasty decisions on financial front.
Family relationships will be harmonious. You may make friends with important people. You will be surrounded by supportive people. Don’t let people take advantage of your kindness.
Take care of health issues without delay. Take care of a food habits refrain from rich food and over consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Take Care Of your Health’
GOAT – people born in the years 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Personality Traits – Creative, Gentle, Passionate, Insecure

Montage of the Chinese year of the Sheep
This will be a busy week with opportunities, for job growth, promotion, improving yourself in whatever field you operate in. You will benefit financially for all the hard work that you had put in the past. Financial gains will be achieved at work. You will win over your rivals and relations with people will improve. You will need to maintain a balance between work and play. Release of new energy will be witnessed in you. You will get more inclined towards spirituality. Your pleasure and support from family will grow. You will get inclined towards public welfare. Good time to volunteer for a good cause.
Success will be attained in exams and competitions.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Volunteer For A Good Cause’
MONKEY – people born in the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Personality Traits – Entertaining, Energetic, Good Listeners, Opportunistic

Montage of the Chinese year of the Monkey
Your activities continue to progress in the direction you want. The confidence you demonstrate will end up opening the way to success. Maintain your current stability and avoid changing plans at the last minute. Be as transparent as possible and dont be complacent. Stay positive and avoid judgement.
There could be some unexpected expenses. Reduce expenses to a bare minimum.
This week will bring in the most fun and playful and creative energies with its focus on matters of heart and things close to your heart, adventure travel or learning opportunities.
Include some exercise as a part of a daily routine.
The energies this week will be empowering your spiritual actions for the next few days. It will be great to use this energy for meditation, affirmations, visualization, or creating a goal board.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Be As Transparent As Possible’
ROOSTER – people born in the years 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Personality Traits – Practical, Honest, Straightforward, Reckless

Montage of the Chinese year of the Rooster
You may be misunderstood because of your lack of diplomacy. This is a good week for talks, communication and decision making. Avoid any type of litigation.
Your focus will be on your home, family and property matters. Do not invest beyond the capacity. Your social position in society will increase. In your me-time you would want to focus on adventure, travelling, learning and discovery. You will be in a very good mood and take life as it comes without making a big deal of it. You may take interest in occult sciences. You will get good support from family. There may be some ceremony or celebration in the family or an extended family regarding which money will be spent.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Focus On Family And Communication’
DOG – people born in the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Personality Traits – Loyal, Good Listener, Honest, Distrustful.

Montage of the Chinese year of the Dog
You will want to focus on communication as this week is good for all forms of expression especially if writing or communication is a part of your job or something that you are really interested in. You could enjoy good luck in money dealing and speculations. Unexpected obstacles may delay achievements of your project, be patient things will smooth themselves out. This will be a week for new friendship or new beginning or new love affairs. You will love spending time at your home. Keep a watch on your spending. Do not over spend money, time or your energies on unnecessary activities. Health wise take care of back problems.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Be Patient’
PIG – people born in the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019,
Personality Traits – Gracious, Determined, Perfectionist, Impulsive

Montage of the Chinese year of the Pig
This is an empowering yet a challenging week for career and professional opportunities, development and growth. You will get success by making correct use of your intelligence. Work wise you will do extremely well for yourself and get appreciation from your seniors. In business do not take emotional decisions.
This is not the time to take unnecessary risks. You will succeed in combining work and pleasure skillfully.
Due to overload at work you may not be able to give proper time to your family.
You will want to spend time with family and very near and dear ones. This time will be favourable for you to actively participate in religious deeds. Faith towards religion will grow.
Cosmic Tip : ‘Do Not Take Unnecessary Risks’